Project 3: Regional Basketball T-Shirt Design!

Ms. King wants a Tshirt designed for the South Central Basketball Conference held here at SHS.  She needs the design by Jan 31 !!  This is real life graphic design.


2 colors maximum (a printing cost issue)

Size: Kind of up to you the exact dimensions but I would guess around 6″ x 6″ or so.


South Central Conference Tournament


Seward (seahawks), Nikiski (bulldogs), Skyview (panthers), Homer (mariners), Grace (grizzlys), ACS (lions), Houston (hawks), Cordova (wolverines)

* You can include the team mascot or not, up to you.

 The shirts are Grey and Black.  Make one T Shirt Design but turn in two versions, adjusting the colors so that they look good on both a Black and Grey background.

You can make a design for the front and the back or just the back, up to you.  However, the title, an image and all the team names might be a lot to fit on the front of the shirt.

Main Ideas: A basketball tournament of teams from South Central Alaska.  How can you convey this visually?

Image ideas: Basketball, Alaska flag or map, net, court, player silhouette

 You cannot just steal someone elses image!  You must change it significantly otherwize its a copyright infringement.  All of these images are royalty free

Stock Basketball Photos 2

Stock Basketball Photos 3

You can choose something simple or make an image more simple (2 colors) with image, adjustments

Remember the text is a part of the image!  Make it look cool and legible.

Here are some ideas from the Internet:



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