January, 2013

Assignment Four: Rectangular and Elliptical Marquee Tools

Open a jpeg picture of your choice in Photoshop.

  1. Make a Rectangular Marquee selection.  Click Select –> Inverse.  Change this selection under Image –> Adjust.
  2. Make an Elliptical Marquee selection, Change this selection under Image –> Adjust.

Flatten the image under Layer–> Flatten Image.  Save the image as a jpeg and post it to your blog under the title Assignment Four.

Write about your experience with the Rectangular and Elliptical Marquee Tools. What possibility do you see with these tools?

Assignment Three: Maneuvering different Layers

1. Download the file Layer_Practice.psd. Open Layer_Practice.psd. in Photoshop. Change the order of the layers on the document so you can see all the features of the South Park character.  Find a jpeg photo from the internet to use as a background for her.  Copy and paste it into the Photoshop document.  If it isn’t the right size, adjust it under Edit –>Transform–>Scale.  Make sure the background is the bottom layerFlatten the image under Layer–> Flatten Image.  Save the image as a jpeg and post it to your blog under the title Assignment Three.

2. Write about your experience maneuvering Layers in Photoshop.

Assignment 2: Using the Move Tool

1. Download the file move_practice.psd. Open the file in Photoshop.  Use the Move tool to assemble these pieces into the South Park character.  Once you have assembled the character, flatten the image under Layer–> Flatten Image.  Save the image as a jpeg and post it to your blog under the title Assignment Two.

2. Write about your experience using the Move Tool in Photoshop.

Assignment 1: Adjusting Your Photo

For the first assignment, you will adjust a photo in six ways.

You will begin by choosing a jpeg image and saving it to My Pictures.

You will then open it in Photoshop under File –> Open.

Under Image –> Adjust adjust the following:




Gradient Map:



Save each version of your photo separately under a folder entitled Assignment 1.

Create a post on your blog to showcase and label your original photo, as well as each adjusted version.  Title it Assignment One: Adjusting Your Photo.  Include an introduction where you describe your first experience with Photoshop What did you do? Was it easy or difficult?  Which adjustment did you like the best? Remember to use correct English grammar and punctuation.

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